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The Struggle is Real: Installing Insulation 3TC in Our Boat



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Making Headway: Updates on the Interior Build of Our Sailboat Restoration Project

Welcome to the latest episode of our sailboat restoration project. We're excited to share our progress with you as we tackle the interior build of our boat. We've encountered some unexpected challenges along the way, but we're determined to push through and create a space that's both functional and beautiful.

One of the most important steps in our interior build is installing insulation to protect against the elements. We opted for a unique type of insulation, but we quickly realized that we had some unanswered questions. To ensure we were on the right track, we consulted with expert engineers and learned some valuable lessons along the way.

Installing insulation turned out to be more complicated than we anticipated. We had to carefully consider the materials we used, the location of the insulation, and how we would install it took time and concideration. It was a delicate balancing act, but with the help of the company where we bought our insulation, we were able to move forward and feel more confident!

We also finished up our coating systems in the main cabin, which are essential to preparing the steel hull for the upcoming interior build. We carefully applied protective coatings to ensure the hull would be fully protected against rust and other damage in all those hard to reach places that we missed before.

Despite some initial setbacks, we're excited to keep pushing forward and get our boat back in the water. Our goal is to create a fully autonomous boat using 100% off grid boat, and we're confident we're on the right track.

Then join us for the next episode of our sailboat restoration project, where we'll continue to tackle challenges and move closer to completing our dream boat.

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Últimos episódios



Starting our OFF-GRID Electric Boat Conversion


Finishing our DIY Budget CONTAINER WORKSHOP - Part 2


Building a SHIPPING CONTAINER Workshop – Part 1

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