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The VelaShow Sailboat Show was a sensation!

We have been long awaiting the VelaShow to arrive in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is a convention exclusively for sailboats and since the pandemic it has not had the chance to have its second event. How lucky were we when we found out that it will be hosted in the very club that we are rebuilding the Lahakai. And to our greatest surprise, we not only were able to find many missing pieces to our project that we were were looking for but we also made some amazing friends as well!

"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." Amy Poehler

There is truly something to be said about the sailboat community - a group of people that are just as humble as they are inspiring. Everyone was kind, helpful and full of useful advice to guide us on our journey.

The show was hosted in the Charitas Clube Naval in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was comprised of around 40 vendors and three days worth of speakers spanning topics from how to buy a boat to how to conquer the arctic ocean. The entire show was in Portuguese so if you are not a fluent speaker, it would be a challenge to enjoy. But if you do, it was a wonderful time to mix, mingle and learn a lot. We will be looking forward to next years show and if we are still in Brazil, we will definitely be coming back!


Here are some notable mentions from the show:

Influencers you need to know! MotionMe is true to their name, a fantastic couple that is always on the move. They are bringing our online universe their amazing story and inspiring us with all the things they do. Learn about Brazil, traveling, sailing and more - in Portuguese and hopefully soon in English! ;) Find them on Instagram, TikTok, Youtube and more!



Handmade Bags & Coats These hand made one-of-a-kind bags and coats are created out of recycled sails and other materials. They are truly artesanal and we can't say enough about the quality, creativity and the creators! They are wonderful! Visit them at


The answer to our marine supply needs! After searching long and far in Brazil, we had great difficulty locating items like Lithium Batteries, Watermakers, Marine Fridges, Chartplottes, and more. Equinautic had everything we wanted with competitive prices in the Brazilian market.

Find out how they can make your boat better at


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